Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week Ending September 18th

Hello Parents!  
We have had a great week inquiring into what being healthy is, and what we can do to take control of our health.   We are encouraging the children to bring in healthy snacks.  Have a look at the healthy habits link on our blog to get some ideas.  

Juwana and Roaa have been writing, and role-playing being teachers. They have created different lists, and have enjoyed creating different words. 

We opened up a new resource- Geo Boards. The children loved using the elastics to create different pictures and shapes.  

Hajar loves the rice table.  She will create different pretend meals with it, and practice measuring. 

The boys have been working hard today at creating different train tracks.  They have been using their social skills and problem solving skills to figure out the best train track. 

We have been exploring what we want to have for our physical goals.  The children have been testing their skills on the playground and seeing which they think they would like to improve.

A lot of the kids enjoy trying to climb up the play structure and swing.  They are counting to see how long they can hang before they have to let go. 

Azka and Hajar have been working for days on this project- they have been mixing wet sand and dry sand to get the right consistency for their sand castles. 

Amaya and Sean have been creating a fairy garden, and have been using their imaginations on how they can make pixie dust. 

Ahmad loves to play basketball.  He has been practicing getting it in the hoop!

These girls were loving "driving" their car!

Azka has been practicing her balancing skills.  She can now walk all around the sand box without anyone holding her hand. 

Iman has decided she wants to work on her hoola-hoop skills.  She is counting how many times around she can go. 

Hamudi decided to use seeds to see how high he could count. He was using the shovel to count each of the seeds. 

Today we had two special guests come to our class- two nurses.  They were talking to the children about what is means to be healthy.  Nurse Malissa asked the children "what does a nurse do?"  Amaya responded with "they help you feel better!" and Sean said "they put injections into your body".  Nurse Malissa explained to use that being healthy means feeling good and not being sick.  We talked about the importance of going to bed early, and having at least 10 hours of sleep a night.  We also talked about having a healthy breakfast everyday before coming to school.   Nurse Malissa asked us what we should do before we eat? We agreed that we need to wash our hands!

It has been a great week! The children have been active inquirers.  Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Katie