Sunday, November 9, 2014

Features of our Community

Yesterday we had a discussion about what features our community has.  The children were very excited and were able to name many of the different places we have in our community.
I then asked them the question- "What doesn't our community have?"  The three answers they gave were a mall, a toy store and an airport.  We talked about how we could create our own features for our community if we were in charge of building new places here.  The children decided they wanted to make a toy store and an airport! 

We discussing what we needed for the toy store and the airport, we talked about the systems that are in place in these places.  The children, who are experienced travelers,  were able to describe the system of going to an airport.   We talked about how we would create an airport in our classroom to allow these systems to work.  

After, we started collecting materials to start making these two places.  It is another construction zone!