Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Performing Arts Update

Dear parents,
In Performing Arts we have been wrapping up the unit about Songs Around the World and we started a new unit about instruments.
Babushka is finally back into our classroom so we no longer receive regular postcards from him around the world. To end this unit we have collected all the songs he sent us and analysed them to find out in which do we sing, have actions/dance, use/listen to instruments or use props. Students have been understanding what features can we find in a song; what can a song be made of; that singing and playing instruments is not the same or what is a prop, amongst other concepts.
It has also been a good opportunity to understand how to read a chart and realize in how many of these songs do we use actions, or sing.
At this point, most classes have finished their chart, while a few are still in the process of finalizing it.

At the same time we have started a new unit on Instruments (not that we had not been using instruments before). We have been exploring all the instruments in the classroom and finding out how can we play them. In the pictures below you can see the students guessing which instrument is being played behind the folding screen. They can play this type of games for a long time!!!
Lastly, a link to the most popular song these days - Pinocchio (we use this version in the class but the students have never watched this video. Some of the actions are slightly different).
Enjoy your break!