Thursday, January 15, 2015

K2 Field Day

15th January 2015

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

On Thursday 22nd of January 2015 K2 children will participate in the KAUST School annual ECC Field Day. This event will take place on the Harbor West field. The event will start at 8:30am and will finish at approximately 11:00am.

K2 children will demonstrate the skills that they have been learning during PE lesson. The main emphasis of this event is enjoyment and participation in a variety of challenging activities. Over the past weeks pupils have been practicing the activities with a focus on personal best and sportsmanship.

Students should come to school wearing the designated color T-shirt or appropriate clothing to move (please see color chart for each class below) and sport shoes. Students will also need a change of clothes, as this year a couple of the activities will be using the water.

K2 - Alex:

K2 – Alanud: 

K2 – Michael:

K2 - Rukhsana:

K2 – Amnah
(Dark Blue)

K2 - Sonita:

K2 – Naketa:

K2 - Alice:

K2 - Katie
(Light blue)

K2 – Karen:

K2 –Claudine:
(Rainbowmulti color)

Depending on the weather, it may be advisable for your child to wear a hat. Also, please help your child apply sunscreen before he/she comes to school and send along more so that they can reapply it throughout the day. The school will provide the children with water throughout the event, however students must bring a water bottle. The school will provide tents for shelter from the sun. Our nurse will be on standby on the site at all times.

To add excitement and to show your support, we encourage you to come along and participate in a running event where your child will have the chance to cheer for you!

We look forward to seeing you on the Harbor West Field.

The Field Day Schedule is attached.

Your Sincerely,

Win Agustina
The KAUST School
ECC2/K2 Physical Education 
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Event Schedule 
8:15 – 8:25          Students assemble at the Harbor West field getting ready for the event.  
8:30 – 8:40          1st Rotation
8:42 – 8:52          2nd Rotation
8:54 – 9:04          3rd Rotation
9:06 – 9:16          4th Rotation
9:18 – 9:28          5th Rotation
9:30 – 9:40          6th Rotation
9:40 – 9:50          Recess (water break, toilet, etc.)
9:52 – 9:55          Students ready to start in the next station
9:55 – 10:05        7th Rotation
10:07 – 10:17     8th Rotation
10:19 – 10:29     9th Rotation
10:31 – 10:41     10th Rotation
10:43 – 10:53     11th Rotation
10:55                    Finished
10:57                    Walking back to K2 building

Station Activities:

1.     Station #1: Olympic Torch Run
2.     Station #2: Beanbags Toss/throw
3.     Station #3: Bouncy/ Happy hopper relay
4.     Station #4: Frisbee Throws
5.     Station #5: Tricycle Ride
6.     Station #6: How Long Can You Jump?
7.     Station #7: Balloon rocket / Water blasts
8.     Station #8:  Water bottle carry
9.     Station #9: Tug-O-War
10. Station #10: 25 meters running (Sprint)
11. Station #11: Obstacle course