Tuesday, February 17, 2015

International Week March 1-5

As part of International Week from the 1st March to the 5th we are going to have a display table of ornaments from around the world in the foyer.  We need interesting things for our table. If you can help by sending something from your country for our display table, then please send it with your child, clearly labeled with your child’s name and class. These will be returned to you on Thursday.

We are so fortunate in KAUST, with so many different nationalities represented and it would be lovely to have you all involved in sharing and helping with a range of activities on different days.

Important Dates:

Wednesday, March 4th  International Food Sharing party 11-12pm.  Please send in any food you would like to bring by 10am to the front reception with the following information posted on it: Child's name, Teachers name, Country the dish is from, Name of the food. This will be shared with all of K2. 

Thursday March 5 - Dress up day in National costumes.

I look forward to hearing from you and your help to make this a great event. Please let me know if you would like to host an activity in our class. Some of the ways you can support International Week:

  Teach us how to say 'hello/how are you/thank you/goodbye' in your home language
  Sharing songs/rhymes/stories from another country – it could be in your own language
  Share different texts through books etc
  Bring in artefact to share each day as part of sharing day – this could be anything like food pictures, ornaments, photographs, clothes
  Chinese/Arabic Calligraphy to write students names
  Help make class books in different languages 
  Do a cookery demonstration 
  Share different art work from around the world
  Share different toys from around the world
  Share different games