For Amaya's Show and Share this past Thursday, her mom Laura came in to make Amaya's favorite treat- Jello Jewels. To make this, you need the following ingredients (pictures below)
Jello powder
1 cup hot water
1 cup cold water
baking tray
Mix the jello powder and gelatine together in a bowl. Add 1 cup of hot water. Stir until no particles left. Add 1 cup of cold water. Pour into the baking tray and put in the fridge for 3 hours. Once set, use cookie cutters to cut out your jewels.
Laura went through the steps on how to make the Jello Jewels
Everyone got a turn to add an ingredient or stir.
We sure enjoyed eating them! Thanks Laura!
If you would like to come in and do an activity with our class, please email me.