Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Some new provocations

This week we put out a couple of different provocations- one was a container full of old costume beads that were all tangled up with a couple of pairs of scissors.  The children were wondering what they could do with them, and I cut one of them with scissors.  Before long, the children were all practicing their cutting skills and cutting up all the necklaces so we just had some beads.  They continued to play with them, pushing, dropping, shaking and feeling the beads between their fingers.  We talked about the shapes of the beads, the different colors and different finishes.

We have set up a magnet area in our classroom for children to explore how magnetism is a type of force.  First, the metal board was placed flat with some magnets and paper clips on it.  Within minutes the children had made a ramp.  Some of the kids combined the magnets so that they could roll.